تونر مقشرعلاجي بالاكسجين يقلل المسامات يتكون من كوكتيل من احماض الفواكه ،يحارب التجاعيد ويعطي نعومة واشراقة للبشرة
Hyaluronic acid serum for smoothness and radiance of the skin, and to tighten wrinkles and fine lines.
The dark spot and pigmentation corrector gradually brightens the skin for a more radiant appearance due to its vitamin C content. It also treats any inflammation or redness on the skin thanks to the presence of vitamin B3. It is suitable for all skin types.
Foaming cleanser to cleanse the skin and remove makeup
Moisturizing cream for dry and sensitive skin, made with collagen and hyaluronic acid, nourishes the skin and gives it fullness and radiance.
An eye cream that treats circles, wrinkles, and puffiness