Mouth Care

Corega Cleanser is a product designed for cleaning dentures, including full or partial dentures, with an effective formula that deeply cleans and sanitizes. It helps remove bacteria, bad odors, and food particles that may accumulate on dentures, contributing to better oral health and longer-lasting dentures.
Elgydium Anti-Plaque Dentifrice Toothpaste is specifically designed to prevent plaque buildup and maintain oral health. It features an innovative formula that helps prevent plaque accumulation on teeth, reducing the risk of cavities and gum inflammation. The toothpaste also provides continuous protection against bacteria, leaving the mouth feeling fresh and clean.
• صُممت قوالب التبييض المملوءة مسبقًا لتوفير ملاءمة مريحة تسمح لجل التبييض بإحاطة الأسنان تمامًا للحصول على تبييض مثالي، حتى بين الأسنان، استخدمها لمدة 30 دقيقة فقط، مرة واحدة يوميًا لمدة 7 أيام لتبييض طويل الأمد.
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