Dawakom 💊

Beesline Brown Tan Dry Feel Oil Spray is a sun-kissed tanning oil that provides a radiant and bronzed glow while keeping your skin moisturized and nourished. Specially formulated with natural ingredients, this spray enhances your tan, giving your skin a deep, golden-brown shade without leaving an oily residue. Ideal for achieving a beautiful, long-lasting tan with a dry-feel finish.
Chewable tablets used to treat acidity and heartburn
Use on the face, chest or back to treat acne
Pills used to control type 2 diabetes
Cream to treat fungal infections of the skin
A natural laxative, antispasmodic and gas repellent
Insulin to treat high blood sugar
GAS Bambi drops help eliminate gas in infants
Contains glucosamine as an aid in relieving muscle and joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. It is used for spinal pain, back pain, muscle strains, and tendonitis.
Zatral X contains prazosin hydrochloride, which belongs to a group of drugs known as alpha blockers. It works by relaxing the muscles of the prostate gland, allowing the urethra to widen and facilitating the passage of urine.
Advil tablets relieve pain and menstrual cramps, colds, muscle aches, arthritis, and reduce fever.
A syrup used to treat heartburn
Syrup used to treat constipation
Dexilant 60 mg contains dexlansoprazole, a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that works by reducing the amount of acid produced in the stomach. It is used to treat conditions related to excess stomach acid such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), stomach ulcers, and erosive esophagitis. This medication helps alleviate symptoms like heartburn, stomach pain, and indigestion, and it promotes healing of damaged tissues in the esophagus and stomach.
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