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كيلاب ريباجين كريم مضاد للشيخوخة يوضع الكريم صباحاً ومساءً على الوجه والعنق والصدر بعد تنظيفهما ويدلك الكريم بلطف
49% Off
يعيد الشباب للبشرة , فهو يشد ويرفع الوجه لأعلى ويعالج تجاعيد الرقبة ويعطي امتلاء وشد وترطيب للجلد ويحفز تجديد الخلايا , كما أنه يحافظ على مستوى الماء داخل الجلد ويحميه من العوامل الخارجية ويستخدم أيضاً لعلاج الإكزيما والصدفية مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة طريقة الاستخدام ضعي كمية مناسبة من الكريم على بشرة نظيفة من الوجه والعنق صباحاً ومساءً مع التربيت بلطف حتى الامتصاص التام
مرطب بتركيبة خفيفة الوزن وغنية بالزيوت تمنح البشرة ترطيباً عميقاً وتُعطيها ملمساً حريرياً وناعماً.
23% Off
يورياج - ثيرمال كريم خفيف 40 مل - يمتص قوامه غير الدهني بسرعة ، وينعم البشرة بقوامه الخفيف و يتركها متالقة و نضرة . - المركب المائي الحراري مسؤول عن ترطيب البشرة تدريجياً خلال اليوم وإعادة بناء حاجز الجلد
49% Off
49% Off
Deep and gentle cleansing on the skin Contains natural ingredients: Collagen + Glutathione + Arbutin + Vitamin C and E
Cathy Doll Eye Brightening and Moisturizing Roll-on Serum Contains a mixture of milk + vitamin B3 + jojoba oil
A special whitening cream for the skin of the face created by Kathy Doll
Noticeable whitening from the first use and treatment with use
Cathy Doll Ready 2 White Body Whitening Cleanser has powerful whitening benefits, leaving the skin glowing
A new dimension of facial skin with the first step it removes dead skin cells with the gentle formula of milk gel. A mixture of orange and lemon like AHA from nature helps remove skin cells to prepare the skin in the next step with milk mask. It provides nutrients to the skin which makes the skin smooth
This gentle cleansing mousse lifts away dirt, debris with included silicone brush without causing irritation. It is loaded with Collagen to bring back youthful, hydrated, and elastic skin, lessening the look of wrinkles. 8 Hyaluronic acid molecules effectively draw moisture to the skin for plump-looking appearance. Antioxidant-rich Glutathione brightens, Ceramide helps with sensitive skin and nourishes for healthy look, and Argireline peptide helps to reverse signs of aging, resulting in an even, clear, and youthful radiance. Free from 7 irritating substances: Alcohol, SLS, SLES, Colorant, Paraben, Mineral Oil, and Hydroquinone.
Cathy Doll Collagen and Hya Sleeping Mask, a firming & moisturizing mask that works while you sleep. This overnight mask is loaded with 3% of rich collagen to keep your skin moisturized, soft, and elastic, while also smoothing fine lines. With 1% niacinamide to control oil and target acne scars, redness, and spots for bright and even skin tone, it contains 5 hyaluronic acid molecules that intensely nourish both outer and inner layer of complexion, helping to retain moisture more effectively, along with 11 types of peptides to fade wrinkles and offer a protective shield, leaving your skin feeling firm, taut, and healthy.
A concentrated hyaluronic acid serum that can deeply moisturize and nourish your skin while reducing excess oil and tightening your pores leaving it smooth, offering you intensive skin care with its active ingredients that can solve the problem of any dull skin with the most effective result.
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