
ترميم مكثف للبشرة يعيد الحيوية للبشرة،يحتوي على مكونات مماثلة للحقن التجميلية الموضعية
A mask to conceal and fill wrinkles for clear and radiant skin, providing noticeable freshness from the first use, removing signs of fatigue, and enhancing the skin's glow and softness.
تساعد إزالة السموم من مادة البوليفينول والفحم النشط على إراحة البشرة من الإجهاد ، مما يترك البشرة متألقة. مركب مهدئ يغلف الجلد بطبقة واقية غير مرئية لمحاربة العدوان اليومي. تأثير بشرة جديد من التطبيق الأول. يتم تنقية نسيج البشرة ، يصبح الجلد أكثر نعومة ، والبشرة نقية ومشرق
Beesline Facial Super Moisture Mask is a hydrating mask designed to provide intense moisture and nourishment to the skin. Enriched with natural ingredients, this mask helps restore the skin's hydration balance, leaving it soft, supple, and radiant.
Beesline Facial Blackhead Mask is a specially formulated mask designed to target blackheads and impurities on the skin. Enriched with natural ingredients, this mask helps to deeply cleanse the pores, removing excess oil and dead skin cells for a clearer complexion.
The Cathy Doll "Ready 2 White" mask is a two-step mask designed to brighten and hydrate the skin. It combines the benefits of milk with other effective ingredients to achieve brighter and smoother skin.
The Cathy Doll Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid Sleeping Mask is a product designed to provide deep hydration and rejuvenation for the skin while you sleep. This mask aims to improve skin elasticity and radiance, making it ideal for use in a nighttime skincare routine.
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