
"نورمال سالين" هو الاسم الكيميائي لهذا الملح. هذا الدواء يمكن أن يقلل من بعض أنواع البكتيريا، ويستخدم لتنظيف القسطرة الوريدية، مما يساعد على منع الانسداد ويزيل أي دواء يتبقى في منطقة القسطرة بعد تلقي الحقن الوريدي. (يرجى استشارة الطبيب قبل تناول أي دواء)
This medication is used to treat high levels of prolactin hormone in your body. High levels of prolactin in women can cause symptoms such as unwanted breast milk and missed periods and can cause difficulty becoming pregnant. High levels of prolactin in men can cause symptoms such as enlarged breasts and decreased sexual ability/desire. Cabergoline is an ergot medication and works by blocking the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. (Please consult your physician before taking any medication)
Sterile isotonic seawater solution with titrated Propolis extract, for the cleansing, moisturizing, decongestion of the nasal cavities, and post-surgical nasal care. Removes the accumulated mucus, moisturizes the nasal mucosa and makes breathing easier.
Sterile isotonic seawater solution with titrated Propolis extract, for the cleansing, moisturizing, decongestion of the nasal cavities, and post-surgical nasal care. Removes the accumulated mucus, moisturizes the nasal mucosa and makes breathing easier. Propolis promotes nasal health due to its calmative, soothing and antiseptic properties. Can also be used for the preventive treatment of nasal congestion caused by environmental factors such as pollutants, dust and dry air from heat or air-conditioning. Athomer Mint Eucalyptus Nasal Spray is seawater from the Aegean Sea. The water is drawn from the sea region of Mount Athos at a 5-mile distance from the coast and from a 10-meter depth. Does not contain any preservatives, colorants, chemical additives or propellant gases. It is produced under innovative technology and certified manufacturing processes. It does not cause dryness, addiction or alteration of the nasal mucosa. For adults and children over 6 years
حبوب ارثروستوب ينصح بها كعلاج مساند لالام المفاصل الشديدة و العظام للكبار و الاطفال من عمر 12 سنة
Candi Cure Anti Fungal 6 Ovules - Effective product able to treat vaginal candidiasis early within 24 h - Used for: Acute Vaginal Candidiasis - For Relapsing Vaginal Candidiasis - Not use during menstrual cycle and if you have any allergy to any of the active ingredients - Active Ingredients: Neem Oil, Probiotics, Chamomile, Glycogen - Content : 6 Ovules
مهدئ للسعال و مذيب للبلغم طريقة الإستعمال: الرضع اقل من سنة: 2.5 مل مرتين يوميا. الأطفال من 1 إلى 4 سنوات: 2.5 مل 3 مرات يومياً. الأطفال من 4 إلى 13 سنة: 5 مل 3 مرات يومياً. الكبار - الحامل: 10 مل 3 مرات يوميا.
امبولات ترطيب العين بترطيب مركز من بلينك , الاستخدام 1-2 يوميا
Anti Snoring Spray How To Use: 4 Puffs In Each Nostril Before Bed Time
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