
فيرو فيت نقط 50 مل - مكمل يستخدم لعلاج أو منع انخفاض مستويات الحديد وفيتامين ب 12 في الدم. - يساعد الجسم على إنتاج خلايا الدم الحمراء. - يحسن فيتامين سي امتصاص الحديد من المعدة. - المكونات النشطة: فيتامين ب .. فيتامين ج ، الحديد
علاج موضعي لقمل الرأس
بريمالان لعلاج الحساسية والتهاب الأنف.
Lorinase - 100 ml Syrup Loratadine. Loratadine (loratidine) is an antihistamine. It works by blocking a substance in the body called histamine. This helps to decrease allergy symptoms. Loratadine (loratidine) is used to relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergies including sneezing, runny nose, stuffiness, itching of the nose and throat, and watery eyes caused by hayfever. It also relieves the swollen, red, itchy patches of skin caused by hives. Loratadine (loratidine) may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Loratadine (loratidine) is also available as an over-the-counter product. Indications: Allergic rhinitis such as sneezing, nasal discharge (rhinorrhea) and itching, as well as ocular itching and burning. How to store: Keep at room temperature. How to use: Children 2 to 12 years of age: Body Weight > 30 kg - 10 ml [10 mg], (two teaspoonful), CLARITINE Syrup once daily. Body Weight <30 kg 5 ml [5 mg], (one teaspoonful), CLARITINE Syrup once daily.
STICK BUBBLE Tropical Gum is a chewing gum product available in a pack containing 75 pieces. This tropical-flavored gum offers a refreshing and flavorful chewing experience.
STICK SPEARMINT GUM is a chewing gum product available in a pack containing 7 pieces. This spearmint-flavored gum provides a cool and refreshing chewing experience.
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