
محلول منظف و مرطب للعدسات
RENU Multiplus Solution is an advanced, multi-purpose solution designed to clean, disinfect, rinse, and store soft contact lenses. This solution effectively removes protein deposits, rinses away debris, and keeps lenses hydrated for all-day comfort. RENU Multiplus ensures your lenses remain fresh, clear, and comfortable, providing optimal hygiene and convenience for contact lens wearers.
RENU Multiplus Solution is an advanced, all-in-one solution for cleaning, disinfecting, and storing soft contact lenses. This multi-purpose solution is designed to remove protein deposits, rinse away debris, and keep your lenses moisturized for comfortable wear throughout the day. RENU Multiplus ensures your lenses remain fresh and clear, providing optimal comfort and hygiene for contact lens wearers.
OPTIGENT Eye Ointment is a topical treatment used to treat eye infections, allergies, and dryness. It works to moisturize and soothe the eye, reducing irritation and redness.
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