
رغوة للرجال لنمو الشعر ومنع تساقط الشعر الوراثي
رغوة للرجال لنمو الشعر ومنع تساقط الشعر الوراثي
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221 AED
228 AED
تونك الشعر راوش مستخلص جذر الأرقطيون والزيوت الأساسية. إنها مطهرة بشكل معتدل يساعد على تنظيم وظائف فروة الرأس.يعمل على تنشيط الدورة الدموية في فروة الرأس وتنشيطها بالتالي تقوية فروة الرأس وتشجيع نمو الشع
أمبولات لعلاج تساقط الشعر للنساء
كبسولات تكثيف الشعر لعلاج التساقط الوراثي و الهرموني مكون من فيتامينات و اعشاب طبيعية
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Bioxsine Forte Serum is based on the active herbal formula BioComplex B11 from specially combined phyto-extracts to effectively reduce hair loss and promote hair growth for thicker and stronger hair. Contains no paraben, phthalates or dyes. Actives that are effective in hair loss are powered by Liposome Technology. In clinical trials, among the the participants a noticeable 48% reduction in hair loss occurred just after one month.* Efficacy tests have proven that Bioxsine Forte Serum helps prevent hair loss when used continiously and regularly, promote hair growth and revitalises weak hair roots and provides resilince, volume, shine and vibrancy to hair. Based on dermatological tests, 100% decrease in hair loss, 93% stronger hair, 83% thicker hair fibers, were observed among the users. Safety tests have proven that Bioxsine Forte Serum dermatologically tested by Dermatest Laboratories and it has a ph values suitable for the scalp and skin. *University of Pavia randomized, placebo-controlled study of Bioxsine shampoo and serum for 6 months. HOW TO USE Plenty of serum is applied to the hair loss region of the scalp. Gently massage with circular movements at least for one minute until the the area is thoroughly covered. Do not rinse until the next wash. For best results, a regular use along with Bioxsine Forte Shampoo is recommended.
Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Shampoo, 300 ml Sometimes it must be tough to not controlling your hair loss due to the passage of seasons. Hug yourself and let us give you some recommendations. Today is the day to cheer you up Bioxcin Forte Shampoo helps prevent hair loss and strengthens hair thanks to its concentrated formula. Thanks to the concentrated vitamins and minerals it contains, it nourishes the hair and scalp and makes your hair stronger. On the other hand, Procyanidin nourishes the hair and makes it more vibrant and healthy. Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 300 ml Shampoo contains Bio complex B11 herbal extract and thus strengthens your hair and prevents loss. Ingredients: It contains German Chamomile, Nettle, Yarrow, Horsetail, and Carob. The shampoo is made from natural ingredients. The shampoo also contains honey and provides moisture balance for the hair. With PROCYANIDIN, your hair will look more lively and healthy. Flavonoids protect your hair strands from possible damage. How to Use Shampoo: Apply it gently to wet hair and rinse thoroughly. Every time you wash your hair, you can use it to accomplish practical results for hair loss. It is efficient with BIOXCIN FORTE SERUM for having thick hair. Reminders: You can also use Bioxcin hair serums for a more effective result. The shampoo has been dermatologically tested and compared to normal shampoos. Test results show that shampoo gives much more effective and faster results.
50% Off
The product designed for deep scalp cleansing is indicated for men and women prone to hair loss, thinning or balding, and for people with dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp.
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