
تقاوم بلطف، قشرة الرأس الدهنية. لعلاج الاحمرار والحكة. يلطف ويهدئ فروة الرأس بزيت نخيل جوز الهند ومستخلصات الزعتر ولحاء الصفصاف.
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ألوبوت لفروة الرأس 120 مل شامبو -علاج الحكة -علاج الحساسية -علاج الإكزيما -علاج الصدفية والتهاب بصيلات الشعر بفروة الرأس.⁣ ⁣ ⁣-علاج قشرة الشعر والقشرة الدهنية.⁣ ⁣⁣-علاج التهاب فروة الرأس الناتجة عن استخدام صبغات الشعر.⁣ ⁣⁣⁣
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This shampoo is specifically formulated for oily hair to control excess sebum. The formula contains four different surfactants in a specific dose that enables this shampoo to limit the migration of sebum from the pores to the hair fiber. This way, the hair takes longer to become oily, and its integrity is preserved. Benefits: • Removes excess sebum. How to use: Apply a small amount of the shampoo onto the previously wet scalp and massage to lather. Rinse with water and repeat if needed. All Active Ingredients: Tensioactive Agents,,,, Points of interest: • Tested under dermatological control. • Hypoallergenic formula.
Biocyte keratin forte shampoo is the first shampoo formulated with pure keratin. Keratin is the main component of hair (85%) and is necessary for its nourishment. our hectic lifestyles damage and weaken our hair. Keratin forte shampoo is the best emergency treatment for hair, it protects hair from external stress factors and allows it to progressively regenerate.
A shampoo that gently cleanses hair thanks to its sweet and delicate formula which ensures protection of the capillary fibre, stimulating more rapid growth. Features: - Supports hair growth - Stimulates microcirculation - Helps hair grow faster - Tested for its effect How to Use: - Delicately massage into the scalp while applying shampoo, then rinse gently with warm water - Apply Speedy hair ® Spray every morning on root, gently massaging into skin
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Pharmaceris H H-Purin Special is a specialist shampoo to cleanse and care for your scalp to alleviate the symptoms of dandruff, including oily and dry dandruff, irritation, itching and skin peeling.
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