
74% Off
ليسَ هناك طريقة أفضل من تنظيف وتصفية البشرة من الشوائب من إستخدام كريم تبيض الوجه، حيث أن تركيبته تضم مكونات نباتية %100 والتي تم إختبارها وإثبات فعالية تبيضها للوجه، كما أن مُستخلص عرق السوس مشهور بقدرته على إخفاء البُقع الداكنة وتفتيح لون البشرة، والذي تم إستخدامه لدواعي طبية، مما يجعل منه فعالاً في التبيض خلال أول أسبوعين من إستخدامه بإنتظام، يُمكن إستخدامه على الوجه والرقبة للحصول على بشرة ناعمة، ومُهدَئة، وفاتحة بالتساوي وخلال وقت قليل.
81% Off
تونر مفتح يوحد لون البشرة، ينعمها ويمنحها الإشراقة. يزيل البقع الداكنة وينشط البشرة كما يحافظ على رطوبتها لمدة ٢٤ ساعة + لا غنى لكِ عن اقتناء المنظّف المدهش وإدماجه في روتين تنظيف بشرتكِ، يعمل على تنظيف الشوائب بعمق، كما أنه يتمتّع بتركيبة غنيّة بالمكونات الطبيعية التي تعمل على تفتيح البشرة بشكل فعال لبشرة مشرقة ونضرة.
Deep and gentle cleansing on the skin Contains natural ingredients: Collagen + Glutathione + Arbutin + Vitamin C and E
Cathy Doll Eye Brightening and Moisturizing Roll-on Serum Contains a mixture of milk + vitamin B3 + jojoba oil
A special whitening cream for the skin of the face created by Kathy Doll
Noticeable whitening from the first use and treatment with use
Cathy Doll Ready 2 White Body Whitening Cleanser has powerful whitening benefits, leaving the skin glowing
A new dimension of facial skin with the first step it removes dead skin cells with the gentle formula of milk gel. A mixture of orange and lemon like AHA from nature helps remove skin cells to prepare the skin in the next step with milk mask. It provides nutrients to the skin which makes the skin smooth
Whitening essence evens out skin tone for naturally luminous result
Concentrated Vitamin C has been perfectly blended in this serum to impart a natural glow to the skin with an innovative encapsulation of Vitamin C that helps maintain the efficiency of the skin's primary ingredient while improving exfoliation of skin cells, reducing dark spots caused by acne and freckles to brighten the complexion.
Underarms treatment cream, eliminate dark underarms and skin bumps. White intense texture covers dark underarms and dark crack skin.
Skin brightening serum for groin, nipple and armpit areas comes with a gentle formula that is free from Alcohol, Paraben and Colorant. It features a combination of natural ingredients such as Raspberry, Aloe Vera and Chamomile that help lock in moisture and soften the skin. This serum helps brighten groin areas that tend to be dull and offers natural pinkish skin as the end result.
The herbal ingredients remove the unpleasant smell of your armpit and tighten the uneven pores while delivering the soft feeling like a cotton. VIT C - Lightens and evens out the skin Gardenia florida flower extract - Anti aging Agents and Anti inflammatories Coenzyme Q10 - Minimize the appearance of wrinkles Collagen - Enhance elasticity of your skin
58% Off
For ultimate hydration and radiance. Targets dullness instantly by brightening the skin from first use. Unifies skin tone and fades the appearance of dark spots, with proven results within 4 weeks.
58% Off
A brightening toner that illuminates complexion and supports the skin’s protective barrier. Works to clear pores, even skin tone, calm irritation, and smooth skin texture.
58% Off
An ultra-enriched serum that instantly boosts radiance and glow, leaving skin visibly brighter and plumper from first use. Unifies skin tone and targets hyperpigmentation, with proven results within 4 weeks.
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