Mouth Care

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جهاز الخيط المائي الامريكي الاصلي للحفاظ على صحة الفم و اللثة و الاسنان يحتوي على اربع قطع اضافية حسب الاستخدام
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Curaprox Travel Set Blue - An exceptional, compact travel toothbrush, 10ml zesty fresh whitening toothpaste and two interdental brushes with a handy holder. -The ultimate oral health care. - No compromise on oral health. - Your favourite Curaprox products in your suitcase, your hand luggage or in your pocket. - This vibrant, stylish travel kit measures just 9.5 cm x 6 cm. Contains: - CS 5460 travel toothbrush: Relentless on plaque. Relentlessly gentle on your teeth and gums - Curaprox 'Be you' toothpaste Pure Happiness Peach + Apricot, 10ml: Protects and cares for teeth and gums. Gently and effectively whitens - CPS prime interdental brushes, size 07-red & 09-yellow: Effective brushing in the spaces between your teeth - Brand: Curaprox
Activated Charcoal - enhances cleansing and helps adsorb plaque and bacteria Removes more plaque - expands like Smart Floss® Proprietary VEGAN natural plant wax coating Incredible flavor burst from lemongrass oil Recyclable paperboard eco-friendly container Non-GMO and never tested on animals Made of simple polyester fibers
CURAPROX DENTAL FLOSS PIC 30X DF967 Dental floss and toothpick in one:.DF floss pic is particularly easy to use – and ideal when travelling. Ergonomically designed. 30 pcs
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