
لتضييق المسام وتحسين شكل البشره للبشره المختلطه والدهنيه
ليراك سيبولوجي يعمل على ازاله البقع ويمنع الندوب ويقلل المسام المتوسعه ،يستخدم مساءا
سيروم لحب الشباب يحتوي على النياسيناميد يزيل الرؤوس السوداء والبقع الداكنة
يستخدم لتقليص المسام وتقليل الدهون بالبشرة
غسول لتنظيف البشرة الدهنية و المختلطة , ينقي البشرة و يمنع الافرازات الدهنية و يوقف الحبوب
14% Off
-44% Off
15% Off
يتميز جل فارماسيرز لعلاج حب الشباب بمفعول القوي والفوري الذي يعمل على مقاومة حب الشباب. يساعد الجل بشكل فعال على تقليل عدد وحجم البثور والنتوءات الناتجة عن حب الشباب.
2% Off
997 EGP
1021 EGP
DR Q MEZO TONIC SPRAY is a toner spray designed to refresh and rejuvenate the skin. It contains effective ingredients that help to hydrate, improve elasticity, and even out skin tone. This product enhances skin health with its nourishing components, making it suitable for all skin types. The toner removes residual impurities after cleansing and prepares the skin for better absorption of other skincare products.
15% Off
973 EGP
1138 EGP
16% Off
Cathy Doll Acne Oil Control Mousse Cleanser provides a gentle yet effective cleansing for your skin. It is formulated with Salicylic acid or BHA that aids in thorough cleansing to unclog pores and exfoliate dead skin cells for a healthy complexion, while Centella Asiatica extract treats dullness, dark spots, as well as redness. Tea Tree extract decreases excess sebum on the skin which is the main cause of acne, and Witch Hazel gives pores a tight and firm appearance. In addition, it contains Chamomile, a skin-soothing ingredient that help even skin tone gently. Free from 8 irritating substances which are SLS, SLES, alcohol, paraben, color, artificial fragrance, AHA, and mineral oil.
Cathy Doll Anti Acne Pad BHA is designed to neutralize acne, leaving the skin feeling clean and renewed. With the help of Salicylic acid (BHA), it delivers deep cleansing for your face and minimizes excess sebum which is the main cause of breakouts, while unclogging pores and exfoliating the skin gently. Tea Tree extract helps to regulate oil production as well as soothe acne-prone skin, and Witch Hazel extract shrinks the appearance of pores, improving the skin’s hydration levels for a smooth complexion. In addition, Centella Asiatica extract prevents free radical skin damage, dullness, dark and red spots from acne. Licorice extract helps restore a healthy glow and chamomile extract soothes and calms skin, prepping it for the next skincare step.
17% Off
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